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Pediatric Dentistry » Dental Emergencies

Emergency Pediatric Dental Care in Fort Worth, TX

Accidents happen. When they do, rest assured that our team is here to help when immediate treatment is needed. If your child requires emergency dental care, stay calm and give us a call. We’ll provide guidance to ease discomfort and prepare our team for your arrival for swift care.

What is a Dental Emergency?

At times, it’s difficult to tell what requires emergency dental care. Always feel free to give us a call for more guidance if you’re unsure. Below are a few of the most common problems that require urgent dental care:

  • Cracked, fractured, or knocked out tooth
  • Severe tooth or jaw pain
  • Gums with persistent swelling or bleeding
  • Abscesses or infected teeth
  • Foreign objects stuck between teeth or gums

Dental Emergency Care Before Your Visit

After an accident, your child may be worried and in pain. An unexpected happening can stress you out as well if you’re unsure what to do. With a little guidance, you can remain calm until your child’s visit to our clinic and ease their discomfort. Here’s what we recommend for a few of the most common dental emergencies.


Knocked out tooth

  • Your child can lightly bite down on gauze to control bleeding, and an ice pack against their cheek will lessen swelling.
  • If an adult tooth is knocked out, visiting your dentist as soon as possible increases the chances of reinserting and saving the natural tooth.
  • Locate the tooth if possible and avoid touching the roots. Rinse the tooth off in water and place it in a cup of milk or saliva to bring during the visit.
  • In case a baby tooth is knocked out before it becomes loose, a visit is still recommended. We will ensure the gums and surrounding teeth are healthy and make orthodontic recommendations to prevent future issues.


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Chipped or fractured tooth

  • Control any bleeding by gently biting down on gauze. An ice pack against the cheek will help reduce swelling.
  • Over the counter pain medication will help manage pain. Clove oil is another effective supplement to treat tooth pain. Apply it through a dropper onto the tooth or dab it on with a cotton swab.
  • Save any pieces of the tooth if possible and store them in a baggie to bring to our clinic.
  • Your child can gently rinse out their mouth with warm water to clear debris from the tooth.
  • Depending on the level of damage, fillings, dental crowns, and dental bondings can be used to restore and save an affected tooth.
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Severe tooth pain

  • Manage persistent tooth pain with over the counter medication until your visit.
  • A cold compress for 20 minutes at a time will help with any swelling.
  • Sudden and severe tooth pain could have several sources. Decay can reach the inner nerves of a tooth and could require root canal therapy to treat. If the tooth is infected, an emergency extraction may be necessary to relieve pain and protect remaining teeth.

Immediate, Compassionate Emergency Dental Care in Watauga

When emergency services are needed, we’ll be at you and your child’s side. Call us to confirm availability and get urgent care for the relief your child needs.

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